
I am a single raindrop
a million times over

The ones you hear clapping -
me, your sold out audience.
The ones you spot dancing -
me, your heralding court.
The ones you taste dripping -
me, quenched for your tongue.
The ones you feel on your skin -
Me, yearning to reach your soul
through the crevices in your jacket threads
and slurping into your skin pores
so that all the ones you feel soaking today
are me, targeting you
dive bombing down to you
striving towards you
splashing onto you
melting into you
every drip a first
a single spring
on a hardened desert ground
a million times over
and every touch, a soaking
overwhelmed and overthrown
by a sudden single drop
the wetness becoming one
with your skin
as your soul

I am a single raindrop
a million times over


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